Tag: reading skills

Parent and child reading together in a blanket fort. Reading strategies are fun!

How can you help your child with reading strategies?

Reading is a journey, an adventure, a key to worlds unknown. But how do we ensure our children not only read but really engage with the words, understand the stories, and glean the embedded knowledge? That’s where reading strategies come in, the navigational tools on this

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A child practicing letter formation

How Can You Help Your Child with Letter Formation?

Writing is an essential skill that forms the foundation of a child’s educational journey, and it all starts with letter formation. More often than not, parents are the first teachers in this journey, playing a crucial role in setting the stage for their child’s literacy development.

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Parent and child engaging in a syllable board game at home.

How can you help your child with syllabication?

Understanding syllabication is crucial to improving your child’s reading and spelling skills. If you want to help your child with syllabication, then you have to understand it and its rules. Syllabication is the process of dividing words into syllables, smaller units that can simplify complex words.

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A visual aid flashcard to help your child with word recognition

How Can You Help Your Child with Word Recognition?

Understanding Word Recognition Did you know that a simple “bedtime story” could Help your child with word recognition? As surprising as it sounds, the time you spend reading with your child can significantly improve their word recognition skills – a key milestone in their literacy journey.

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Alphabetic letters

How Can You Help Your Child with Letter Sounds?

Introduction: The Importance of Helping Your Child with Letter Sounds Did you know that being able to identify letter sounds kickstarts your child’s journey towards being a proficient reader? Yes, you heard it right! When you help your child with letter sounds, you’re essentially unlocking the

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A child, excited about a variety of books in the library.

What are Some Fun Reading Activities for Your Child?

How do we make reading an exhilarating ride rather than a monotonous task? Are there fun reading activities that we can use? Yes! lots of them. Consider turning the act of reading into an engaging game, a thrilling treasure hunt, or a creative storytelling session. By

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