Tag: reading readiness

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Child engrossed in reading a book to practice reading speed.

How can you help your child with reading speed?

In the digital era where we live, everything seems to be moving at warp speed, including the rate at which we digest information. Did you realize this could also apply to reading? Absolutely! Not only in devouring the latest bestseller but also in how your child

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A child using a picture book to decode words

How can you help your child with decoding words?

Decoding words is essentially translating printed letters into sounds, a critical skill for reading. Without this, every new word your child encounters becomes an intimidating challenge. Fortunately, as a parent or guardian, you can do plenty to help your child with decoding words. Now, let’s chat

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A parent with a toddler holding a book. The toddler is looking keenly at the book

How Can You Tell if Your Child is Ready To Learn to Read?

Understanding if your child is ready to learn to read Is your child on the cusp of a magical journey into the world of words? Recognizing when your little explorer is ready to learn to read can be as thrilling as their first babble or step.

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How Can You Help your Child with Sight Words?

Introduction to Sight Words Imagine a world where your child navigates through pages of a book with ease, their eyes sparkling with excitement and understanding. Sounds perfect, right? The key to unlocking this world lies in something as simple as sight words. So how do you

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A cozy reading corner

How Can You Encourage Your Child to Read More?

Why Encouraging Your Child to Read More Matters. Did you know that reading can transport us to different worlds within mere seconds?” Such is the magic of books, a magic we want our children to discover. So, how do we encourage our child to read more?

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A toddler showing interest in a book.

How Do You Know Your Child is Ready to Read?

Introduction: Understanding if Your Child is Ready to Read. Can you recall the first book that whisked you off on countless exciting adventures, all from the comfort of your cozy corner? Now, imagine your child having that same magical experience, opening a book, ready to read,

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A child engrossed in a book.

How Can I Help My Child’s Reading Improve?

An Introduction to Improving Your Child’s Reading Skills. Think about giving your child a skill that opens new worlds, sparks their imagination, and helps their brain grow. Yes, we’re talking on how to improve your child’s reading. Reading is more than just a skill; it’s like

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A toddler who is ready to read and a parent enjoying a picture book.

When Does a Child Start Reading?:Discovering the age.

Opening the Door to Reading: A Guide to Understanding Reading Age. Is there a specific ‘reading age’ carved in stone? Well, here’s the news – there isn’t one! The journey of reading unfolds differently for every child, tied not to an arbitrary age, but to their

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