Tag: Learning skills

A family enjoying reading at night to boost their child's reading confidence

How Can You Help Your Child With Reading Confidence?

Introduction. Hello, readers. If you’re here, it’s likely because you are looking to help your child with reading confidence. Perhaps you’ve noticed them hesitating as they flip through pages or shy away from new books. There are moments when they soar through pages with enthusiasm, and

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A child using a picture book to decode words

How can you help your child with decoding words?

Decoding words is essentially translating printed letters into sounds, a critical skill for reading. Without this, every new word your child encounters becomes an intimidating challenge. Fortunately, as a parent or guardian, you can do plenty to help your child with decoding words. Now, let’s chat

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Parent teaching child syllables with books

Syllable Mastering: How to Help Your Child

Syllables are the building blocks of language – think of them as the beats that give rhythm to the words we speak. They’re absolutely essential in helping children develop their reading and writing skills, breaking down complex words into manageable chunks. Let us explore more about

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A child practicing how to write letters.

How Can You Help Your Child with Handwriting?

Helping your child with handwriting might seem overwhelming at first, especially if your child is struggling. You may feel like you’re stepping into uncharted territory. However, let me assure you, you’re not alone on this journey. This article is going to guide you on how best

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How Can You Help your Child with Sight Words?

Introduction to Sight Words Imagine a world where your child navigates through pages of a book with ease, their eyes sparkling with excitement and understanding. Sounds perfect, right? The key to unlocking this world lies in something as simple as sight words. So how do you

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A parent teaching her child phonics.

What Are the Best Ways to Teach Phonics?

Ever found yourself lost in wonder about the magic behind how children learn to read? How do those puzzling symbols on a page transform into stories, information, and knowledge? Then you will wonder “what are the best ways to teach phonics?” We understand that the task

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A child engrossed in a book.

How Can I Help My Child’s Reading Improve?

An Introduction to Improving Your Child’s Reading Skills. Think about giving your child a skill that opens new worlds, sparks their imagination, and helps their brain grow. Yes, we’re talking on how to improve your child’s reading. Reading is more than just a skill; it’s like

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