Tag: early literacy

A vector image of an image with bar graphs on a black board.

Basic Graphing Concepts: Ways to Help Your Child Understand

1. Introduction Imagine a world where everything is visual. That’s how preschoolers see their surroundings. Now, think about the benefits if we harness this vision to help your preschooler understand basic graphing concepts. Graphing is, at its core, a visual representation of data. It’s like telling

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colorful buttons of different sizes and color to teach sorting and classifying concepts

Sorting and Classifying Concepts: Help your child understand better

Imagine this: you’re arranging a toy box, and you decide to put all the toy cars in one corner and the dolls in another. Without realizing it, you’re sorting! Now, think about classifying those cars based on their color or size. That’s classification! Both these skills

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Preschoolers playing hopscotch, to learn cardinal numbers.

How to Help Your Preschooler Understand Cardinal Numbers

The Importance of Learning Cardinal Numbers Understanding numbers is a crucial part of early childhood education. It’s a foundational skill that will help your preschooler understand cardinal numbers and much more as they grow. Numbers are everywhere, right? They’re in the recipes we cook, the time

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How Can You Help Your Child with Letter Recognition?

Imagine a world of words and stories, all unlocked by the simple act of recognizing letters. ‘A’ stands for Apple, ‘B’ for Ball, ‘C’ for Cat – each letter is a key to this magical world. And this is where your crucial role comes in. As

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Alphabetic letters

How Can You Help Your Child with Letter Sounds?

Introduction: The Importance of Helping Your Child with Letter Sounds Did you know that being able to identify letter sounds kickstarts your child’s journey towards being a proficient reader? Yes, you heard it right! When you help your child with letter sounds, you’re essentially unlocking the

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