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A child putting coins in a piggy bank. This is the best way to teach basic money concepts.

Basic Money Concepts: How to Help Your Preschooler Understand.

Understanding Basic Money Concepts for Preschoolers Teaching young children about money is more than just coins and bills; it’s about introducing basic time concepts of saving and spending. Imagine giving a child a toy and a dollar. Most likely, they’ll be more excited about the toy.

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A family enjoying reading at night to boost their child's reading confidence

How Can You Help Your Child With Reading Confidence?

Introduction. Hello, readers. If you’re here, it’s likely because you are looking to help your child with reading confidence. Perhaps you’ve noticed them hesitating as they flip through pages or shy away from new books. There are moments when they soar through pages with enthusiasm, and

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Parent and child reading together in a blanket fort. Reading strategies are fun!

How can you help your child with reading strategies?

Reading is a journey, an adventure, a key to worlds unknown. But how do we ensure our children not only read but really engage with the words, understand the stories, and glean the embedded knowledge? That’s where reading strategies come in, the navigational tools on this

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Child engrossed in reading a book to practice reading speed.

How can you help your child with reading speed?

In the digital era where we live, everything seems to be moving at warp speed, including the rate at which we digest information. Did you realize this could also apply to reading? Absolutely! Not only in devouring the latest bestseller but also in how your child

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A child practicing letter formation

How Can You Help Your Child with Letter Formation?

Writing is an essential skill that forms the foundation of a child’s educational journey, and it all starts with letter formation. More often than not, parents are the first teachers in this journey, playing a crucial role in setting the stage for their child’s literacy development.

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A child using a picture book to decode words

How can you help your child with decoding words?

Decoding words is essentially translating printed letters into sounds, a critical skill for reading. Without this, every new word your child encounters becomes an intimidating challenge. Fortunately, as a parent or guardian, you can do plenty to help your child with decoding words. Now, let’s chat

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How Can You Help Your Child with Sound Blending?

When you set out to help your child with sound blending, you’re essentially providing them with a ticket to explore new worlds. You’re gifting them the ability to decode letters, combine sounds, and form words that can tell enchanting stories. This journey of sound blending is

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Parent teaching child syllables with books

Syllable Mastering: How to Help Your Child

Syllables are the building blocks of language – think of them as the beats that give rhythm to the words we speak. They’re absolutely essential in helping children develop their reading and writing skills, breaking down complex words into manageable chunks. Let us explore more about

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A child enjoying listening comprehension from an audio book

How can you help your child with listening comprehension?

Have you ever pondered on how you can help your child with listening comprehension? Surprising as it may seem, research indicates that enhancing these skills forms the basis for a child’s ability to engage with the world around them. Imagine that – a seemingly simple skill

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