How to Make Salt Dough Ornaments with Preschoolers to Decorate

Beautiful and decorated salt dough ornaments after learning how to make salt dough ornaments with preschoolers

Hey there! Have you ever wondered about a fun and creative activity for your little ones? Well, let me introduce you to the magic of salt dough ornaments. How to make salt dough ornaments with preschoolers is simpler than you might think. These ornaments are not just adorable additions to your home décor; they’re much more than that. They’re fantastic gateways to learning for the kiddos. As they dive into crafting, they’re not just playing; they’re developing!

Imagine your child rolling out the dough, shaping it, and later painting it. Each step is like a mini-lesson.

For instance, let’s say they decide to create a cute little fish. The process of deciding the colors, the design, and even where to hang it at home can be such a fulfilling journey for them.

So, as we explore deeper into this guide, remember: it’s not just about making pretty ornaments. It’s about the beautiful journey of learning and creating memories

Why is it Important to Learn How to Make Salt Dough Ornaments with Preschoolers?

Mother and child learning how to make salt dough ornaments
Bonding and learning!

Develop motor skills

First off, these simple crafts pack a punch in the learning department. When your kids grab that dough and start rolling it, magic happens. Their tiny hands are working hard, and without even realizing it, they’re developing crucial motor skills. It’s like a mini workout session for their hands!

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. When diving into how to make salt dough ornaments with preschoolers, you’re not just crafting. You’re setting a foundation. For example, shaping the dough into a little bird or a tree? That’s coordination at work. Picking up a paintbrush to color their creation? That action alone boosts their hand-eye coordination.

The best part? As they play and create, they gain confidence. Each ornament they shape and paint becomes a badge of accomplishment. It’s like saying, “Look what I made!” And trust me, that pride in their work is priceless. So, let’s embrace the fun and the learning, all rolled into one!

Learning How to make salt dough ornaments with preschoolers boost creativity

Learning how to make salt dough with preschoolers promotes creativity.
Creativity at its best!

Have you ever watched a child’s eyes light up with excitement when they create something from scratch? That’s the power of creativity at play. And guess what? Making salt dough ornaments is a fantastic way to ignite that creative spark.

Let’s think about it. Handing a child, a piece of dough is like handing them a blank canvas. At first, they might be unsure. But soon, their minds start racing. Maybe today they’re thinking of making a bright yellow sun. Or perhaps, they’re enchanted by the idea of a blue dolphin. With each shape they create, you’re witnessing their imagination unfolding.

Now, when discussing how to make salt dough ornaments with preschoolers, we’re doing more than teaching a craft. We’re opening a world of possibilities. For instance, maybe they mold a heart and paint it in rainbow colors, symbolizing their love for their family. Or they could shape a star, representing their own shine and potential.

Every single creation is a peek into their imaginative world. It’s like a story waiting to be told.

Learn about Patience

Patience is a virtue, as they say, and it’s a critical life skill for kids to grasp. Making salt dough ornaments provides a unique opportunity for children to understand this concept.

When kids work with the dough, shape it, and paint it, they’re filled with excitement. Naturally, they’re eager to see their finished masterpiece. But here comes the twist: the drying process. It’s not immediate. The ornaments take time to dry and set. This waiting period might seem simple, but it’s a profound lesson in patience.

In the process of learning how to make salt dough ornaments with preschoolers, they don’t just gain crafting skills. They learn the importance of waiting. It’s like planting a seed and waiting for it to grow. They can’t rush it, no matter how much they might want to. Over time, this understanding can translate to other aspects of their lives, like waiting for their turn in a game or understanding that good things often come with time.

In essence, while they wait for their ornaments to dry, they’re also growing internally, learning the beauty of patience. And that’s a lesson worth waiting for.

Enhance Mathematical Skills

children bonding while making ornament.

When we think of math, we might picture textbooks or complex equations. But here’s the thing: math is everywhere, even in the most unexpected places, like making salt dough ornaments.

As kids prepare the dough, they encounter the first step: measuring. They see a cup of flour, half a cup of salt, and so on. It might seem trivial, but this is where the magic starts. They begin to understand quantities, portions, and measurements. Each scoop and pour is a silent math lesson.

In the journey of how to make salt dough ornaments with preschoolers, they’re not just crafting. They’re starting to grasp basic math concepts. Imagine a child realizing that two half cups make a full cup or that doubling the recipe means using twice as much of each ingredient. It’s like a light bulb moment!

By introducing them to these mathematical concepts in a fun and hands-on way, you’re laying a strong foundation. It’s a blend of creativity and logic.

So, while their hands are busy mixing and molding, their minds are busy counting and calculating.

Strengthen Social Skills

Building relationships and understanding the essence of teamwork is an integral part of growing up. Making salt dough ornaments brings this lesson to the table, quite literally.

Picture this: a group of preschoolers sitting around, each with their own piece of dough. One child may have an idea, and another might have a different one. They talk, they share, and they collaborate. It’s these small interactions that pave the way for learning social cues and understanding the importance of cooperation.

When figuring out how to make salt dough ornaments with preschoolers, it’s not just about the final product. It’s about the journey. The process allows kids to express their ideas, listen to their peers, and maybe even compromise on a shared vision. Think of two children deciding to combine colors or brainstorming a new shape together. These are moments of teamwork.

These experiences help them understand the value of sharing and working together. They realize that sometimes, two heads are better than one. And as they proudly display their collective creations, they carry with them a lesson on collaboration, one ornament at a time. It’s social learning in its most fun form!

Preserving Memories with Salt Dough Ornaments

There’s something magical about holding onto memories, especially when it comes to our little ones. As days pass, they grow, change, and soon, those tiny hands aren’t so tiny anymore. This is where the charm of salt dough ornaments comes into play.

Imagine, a few years down the line, pulling out a holiday decoration and seeing the petite imprint of your child’s hand or foot. It’s not just an ornament; it’s a frozen moment in time. Preschoolers might not realize it now, but as they press their hands into the dough, they’re crafting a special gift for the future.

For parents, it’s a walk down memory lane every time they see it. For grandparents, it’s a tangible piece of nostalgia. And for the children, when they grow up, these ornaments become a heartwarming link to their past.

In essence, salt dough ornaments offer more than a crafting activity; they provide a way to bottle up precious moments. So, as the years go by and the tree branches hold newer ornaments, these little handprints and footprints will always have their special place, reminding families of the cherished days gone by.

Safety First: Tips for Crafting with Preschoolers

While crafting can be loads of fun, it’s essential to ensure safety at all times:

  • Supervision: Always supervise young children, especially when using small objects or non-edible ingredients.
  • Non-toxic Paints: Ensure the paints used are safe and non-toxic for children.
  • Cleanliness: Keep the crafting area clean and free from hazards. Wash hands before and after the activity.

DIY Salt Dough Ornaments

salt dough with cut ornaments before drying.
Salt dough, great fun, beautiful decorations.


  • 1 cup of plain flour
  • 1/2 cup of table salt
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • Paints (for decoration)
  • Paintbrushes
  • Cookie cutters (various shapes)
  • A rolling pin
  • Straw or toothpick (to make a hole for hanging)
  • Ribbon or string (for hanging)


  1. Mix the Dough:
    1. In a large bowl, mix the flour and salt together.
    2. Slowly add water to the mixture. Keep mixing until it forms a doughy consistency. If it’s too sticky, add a little more flour.
  2. Roll and Shape:
    1. Sprinkle some flour on a flat surface. This keeps the dough from sticking.
    2. Using the rolling pin, roll the dough out until it’s about 1/4 inch thick.
    3. Use cookie cutters to cut out your favorite shapes. If you don’t have cookie cutters, you can shape the dough using your hands.
  3. Make a Hole: If you want to hang your ornament, use a straw or toothpick to make a hole near the top of your shape. Make sure it’s big enough for your ribbon or string!
  4. Dry the Ornaments:
    1. Place your shapes on a baking sheet.
    2. Let them dry. This can take 1-2 days if left out, or you can speed it up by baking them in the oven at a very low temperature (around 200°F or 90°C) for 2-3 hours. Make sure to check them and turn them over halfway through to ensure they dry evenly.
  5. Paint and Decorate:
    1. Once your ornaments are dry, it’s painting time! Use your favorite colors to decorate.
    2. Let the paint dry thoroughly.
  6. String and Hang:
    1. Thread a ribbon or string through the hole you made.
    2. Tie a knot, and your ornament is ready to hang!


Can you eat salt dough ornaments? Absolutely not. Salt dough ornaments are crafted for decorative purposes and not for consumption. Even though the ingredients might sound familiar, the high salt content and the way they are processed make them inedible.

How long do salt dough ornaments last? With proper care, salt dough ornaments can be long-lasting. If you ensure they’re stored in a cool, dry environment, they can grace your holiday decorations for years to come. Just a tip: High-humidity areas might cause them to soften or even develop mold.

Can I use food coloring in the dough? Definitely! Food coloring can be a great way to introduce vibrant colors to your salt dough creations. Just add a few drops to your dough mix, and you can knead it in until you achieve the desired shade.

My ornament broke. Can it be fixed? Breakages can be disappointing but don’t lose hope just yet. For minor breaks, a strong craft glue can often do the trick. While the ornament might not look exactly the same as before, with a bit of care during the mending process, it can still hold a special place on your tree or display.


Wrapping up, it’s evident that salt dough ornaments go beyond just being a craft. They weave together education, creativity, and heartwarming memories, making them a treasure for families. For preschoolers, it’s a doorway to learn and express, while for adults, it’s a chance to bond and reminisce. Being cautious and prioritizing safety ensures that this activity is not only educational but also a lot of fun. So, without further ado, gather your supplies, gather the little ones, and embark on this joyful crafting journey!

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